Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Today's the new day.

So after the last couple weeks and realizing that Monday is really busy first day of the school week I am now bumping my blog day to today (Wednesday).
This past week has been a blast.  It really has been one of my favorite weeks of the year, and I came into most of the events with a rather bad attitude.  This past weekend I was the work crew boss for a Wyldlife camp here.  I originally thought I wouldn't have the energy for it and I would be super drained to start school back up on Monday.  What really happened is that I had a blast and ran myself ragged cleaning dishes, tearing down county fairs, and whatever else random was needed.  At the end of the weekend I was totally drained but by Monday morning I was ready to go again.  Really glad I had the opportunity to serve God and the kids this weekend.
This week we also had a strength finders workshop that I was really dreading, but was really fun.  In case you were wondering... here are my strengths.
1. Adaptability
2. Consistency
3. Strategic
4. Input
5. Comman

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