Friday, August 30, 2013

Tomorrow is September?

So much has happened since I last blogged anything.  I returned to the USA for the summer before returning to the DR, but unfortunately my fundraising did not meet my expected needs and I ended up staying in KC.  So here I am now 3 weeks into the school year at Argentine Middle School where I am teaching 8th grade math.  It has been a blast so far and I am really excited about this year.  My students represent a lot of challenges and a lot of potential and I am excited to be part of their lives and see where they can go.
For those of you that don't know the Kansas City area; Argentine is a small part of Kansas City, Kansas.  It is an area that is very rich in history and has a large standing Hispanic population.  Although Argentine sounds like it gets its name from a S American country it actually comes from its silver refining days with the Latin root of Silver being Argos.

Basically life is good, but I do miss the DR.  

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